7 Reasons You're Gonna Love the Magnificence Game:
1. 100's (even 1000s) of smiling, newly encouraged, inspired and turned-On people clicking on your photo, reading your bio, visiting your links; looking for things to genuinely like and love about You!
You really ARE Magnificent!
2. Going to your page in the Ambassadors Directory and reading 5 - 10 - 20 & more, fan mail messages of affirmation and adoration, from perfect friends, clients and partners you havent met yet.....And being able to continue a meaningful conversation with each one!
You deserve to be Adored!
3. Your business, vision and strongest desires introduced to a worldwide audience of uniquely receptive people seeking positive like minds & hearts for their professional, spiritual and personal pursuits!
You will love getting fan mail!
4. You get a personal website complete with search engine optimization & a year long membership in the Ambassadors Directory, all for only $49.95!
You are worthy of Special treatment!
5. You know that playing Full Out in a Game like this with super positive, proactive people from all over the world, and having that be what feeds your bottom line -- Iz the nonstop party of your fondest utopian dreams!
Your souls purpose needs YOU standing in the spotlight!
6. Your listing in the Ambassadors Directory gives you an instant "All About Me" web page complete with glowing testimonials and superb Google positioning. It'll be the easiest and most effective website you never built!
You really love sharing your Light!
7. Buying the uniquely targeted exposure we've arranged for you to receive as a Pro Player in the Magnificence Game would cost you many Thousands of dollars -- if it could be bought, which I doubt, since mutual Love, Respect & Friendship are the currencies fueling this Magnificence Movement!
I know You already ARE a Magnificence Ambassador.
My question iz will you take this step to live it Out Loud and On Purpose, or try to keep it our not-so-little secret?
(btw- that's not a secret I can keep!)